Many students ask us how the school year is organized here at EHC, the largest helicopter flight academy in Northern Europe.
The CPL(H) program is an integrated course, where flying and theory goes hand in hand. You will conduct 135 flight hours, in addition to 750 hours of theoretical instruction in the classroom.
Organization of the school year
Throughout the school year students will receive vacation on national holidays, Christmas holidays and two weeks of summer vacation.
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Days with theoretical instruction is normally held from 08 AM to 4 PM, while the days of flying can also last throughout the afternoon. There is no theory lessons on the weekends, but you can choose whether you want to register for flight hours.
The theoretical instruction takes place in classrooms, and all of our instructors speak English, as all classes have students from many different countries.
Flying lessons are organized into modules, which teaches you several different procedures and skills through the program.
Throughout the school year, you will fly 130 hours in a Robinson R22, and five hours in the simulator. 100 hours are done together with your instructor, 15 as “SPIC”. That means that the instructor are there just as a security. You will also fly 35 hours solo (alone).
READ MORE: The first solo flight
The time you do not fly, is used for self-study and preparation.
The CPL(H) program contains a total of 13 subjects:
The CPL(H) program contains 13 subjects:
Air Law
Aircraft General Knowledge — Airframe/Systems/Powerplant
Aircraft General Knowledge — Instrumentation
Mass and Balance
Flight Planning and Monitoring
Human Performance
General Navigation
Radio Navigation
Operational Procedures
Principles of Flight
Visual Flight Rules (VFR) Communications
In addition to this, you will also read the following topics:
Group Briefing
Helicopter Technical Training
Safety Awareness Training
Exams and skill test
Our students will complete a total of 13 theoretical exams (14 at the ATP(H)IR MCC integrated course), in addition to the practical skill test. All exams are considered as passed if you have more than 75 % correct answers. If you are unlucky and do not pass an exam, each test can be retaken up to four times.
The duration of the CPL(H) integrated course is from 12 to 15 months, while we expect that you will spend from 15 to 25 months on the ATP(H) IR MCC integrated course. The reason that the time to complete the courses can vary, is that the weather can affect the flight, especially in winter season.
Do you have more questions about our flight academy? Please do not hesitate to contact one of our employees, or send us an email at post@ehc.no !