We are so happy when we receive greetings from former students who are out there chasing their dreams! 🤩 Today, we’re off to sunny Porto, where Roy Norback is working with our flying friends in Heli Bravo Aviation!

Postcard from Porto!

A new chapter! I graduated from EHC with a CPL(h) in May 2023, and started as a task specialist for Helitrans the same year in June. From May 2024 I started flying (woho!!!) for HeliBravo Aviation in beautiful Porto, Portugal!

You need to have a screw loose to become a pilot, it is an abnormal lifestyle and you have to be willing to make some sacrifices and take a couple of chances, maybe move to a foreign country or work seasonal contracts (no income during the off-season). But if you rise to the challenge and keep an open mind you will meet amazing people and experience what only a lucky few can say; my office has the best view, because it is 300 meters over the surface of the earth, clear of clouds, with ground in sight! 😎

We wish you the best of luck, Roy! Fly safe! 👏🏻💪